What would you tell her?

The Bible reveals a stunning story of the first Christmas.  It is a story that believers hold firmly attached to their faith.  And yet the facts reveal a situation that today we would frown at and sadly some would even shun.  A situation that many in the world would encourage a medical procedure to remedy.  A young couple, newly engaged, discovers that she is pregnant and he isn't the father.  What advice would we in the church give?  What would the world say?  If it happened today, would Jesus have even been born?  Would Joseph have stayed with Mary, to raise this child?  Would Mary have endured everything that comes with a pregnancy?  Sadly versions of this story play out every day.  An unplanned pregnancy, to unwed teenagers, where the man is not the father.  Of course the big difference is God's intervention.  This was God's Son in Mary's womb.  But the truth is that God intervenes in the creation of every baby.  And I can't help but wonder if we forget about Mary and Joseph when we meet and try to help those in similar situations.

What would you tell her?  What would you tell him?  Would your church support them?  Is there room in your church for a couple like Mary and Joseph?